
SAP Connector: Passing {NOW} to Table Connector got wrong date format

Huu Tran 11 years ago in UNIFYBroker/SAP ERP Human Capital Management updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

In one of the table connector, there are conditions
BEGDA "less than or equal"

ENDDA "greater than or equal" {NOW}

It is expected that all records with Begin Date <= current date <= End Date will be return. However it returns none.

Did a APAB tracing with Monash SAP SME and it turns out


is parsed to the wrong format. In the tracing, the value that ABAP code received is "1/23/2014 1:52:41 PM" while the expected value is "20140123"

The format is configurable as per documentation (IDBSAP41:SAP HCM read table connector).


Got it. I missed that part. Sorry.
