
Managing AD user account distinguished name/organisational unit from UNIFYBroker (The connector does not support anchor modification)

Adrian Corston 4 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Microsoft Active Directory updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 4 years ago 2

Using UNIFYBroker and the Active Directory agent/connector I can set a new user account's organisational unit via their distinguishedName during account creation, but when I subsequently try to modify it this error is logged:

UnifyLog20201207.csv:14572:System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.NotSupportedException: The connector AD Users does not support anchor modification.

My customer's solution requires that an employee's OU be managed.  Do you have any suggestions how I could achieve this?



Hi Adrian

The "anchor" in the error message is in reference to the connector schema field/s which are marked as Key. Use a different, unique field which doesn't change as the connector key instead. Moving a user between OUs with the AD connector works, and has been done a lot in the past, so there should be plenty of PS resources you can reference.


Hi Adrian

The "anchor" in the error message is in reference to the connector schema field/s which are marked as Key. Use a different, unique field which doesn't change as the connector key instead. Moving a user between OUs with the AD connector works, and has been done a lot in the past, so there should be plenty of PS resources you can reference.

Hi Beau, thanks for your reply.  I'll try what you suggest and get back to you if I have any more problems.