
Allow $logger component to specify module and submodule fields

Adrian Corston 4 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

There is no documented way to set the third and fourth fields (which I will call 'module' and 'submodule') of each UNIFYBroker log entry when calling the $logger component.  It would be nice to be able to set them to more informative values, rather than always having them as 'UNIFYBroker' and 'PowerShellTask' respectively.



Hi Adrian,

The $logger component is designed to be a simple wrapper around the logging mechanism. For more complex log messages, use the $messageService variable. 

There's some extension methods provided for the next level of logging. You can find more information on those here:

Class NotificationEnumerableExtensions (unifysolutions.net)

Otherwise, you can use the underlying NotificationMessageService to notify listeners of a particular message. In this case, the product loggers will be listening on ILogEntryNotification: Class LogEntryNotification (unifysolutions.net)

The tricky thing with crafting one of these will be building the branding object, (for a BrandedLogEntry). Technically this would allow you to change both the 'module' and 'submodule' components.

For ease of use, i'd recommend just using the NotificationEnumerableExtensions to log - which still use the underlying product for the third field but allow you to define the fourth field.

As a side note, for some reason the $messageService variable isn't actually hooked up for the Plus components, but is hooked up for the Powershell connector and transformations.

Satisfaction mark by Adrian Corston 4 years ago

Hi Adrian,

The $logger component is designed to be a simple wrapper around the logging mechanism. For more complex log messages, use the $messageService variable. 

There's some extension methods provided for the next level of logging. You can find more information on those here:

Class NotificationEnumerableExtensions (unifysolutions.net)

Otherwise, you can use the underlying NotificationMessageService to notify listeners of a particular message. In this case, the product loggers will be listening on ILogEntryNotification: Class LogEntryNotification (unifysolutions.net)

The tricky thing with crafting one of these will be building the branding object, (for a BrandedLogEntry). Technically this would allow you to change both the 'module' and 'submodule' components.

For ease of use, i'd recommend just using the NotificationEnumerableExtensions to log - which still use the underlying product for the third field but allow you to define the fourth field.

As a side note, for some reason the $messageService variable isn't actually hooked up for the Plus components, but is hooked up for the Powershell connector and transformations.