
PowerShell schema refresh with changed Required attribute on a field isn't detected and doesn't Merge

Adrian Corston 5 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 1 week ago 3

After changing the Required flag for a field in my PowerShell schema script, I re-ran Request Schema and the UI didn't show any fields as changed.  After I Merged Changes the field was not updated, and I had to update the Required flag manually.

It seems a reasonable expectation that a change of any field attribute should be flagged by the UI and applied when Merge is clicked.



This has been implemented and is available in the release of UNIFYConnect V6, which will be made available shortly.

Under review

Hey Adrian,

Thanks for opening this one. That does sound like a reasonable expectation. I can confirm that clearing the schema and re-requesting it does update the correct schema, but that shouldn't be required to modify an existing field.

 I've added this one to our backlog for investigation.


This has been implemented and is available in the release of UNIFYConnect V6, which will be made available shortly.