
Can't edit the FTP Agent timeout

Adrian Corston 5 years ago in CSV connector updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 4 years ago 3

When editing the FTP Agent timeout, the value entered is not saved and always resets back to 00:00:00.

v5.3.2 Revision #0



Patch for this one, should go in the /Services/ directory of Broker. Will be included in the next 5.3 rollup release.


Same appears to be happening for the Read/Write timeout but I haven't tested it as extensively.

Under review

Thanks Adrian - i've added this one to our backlog. Looks like it saves the correct value into the config, but doesn't load the correct value out. A quick looks makes it seem like it's pulling the ReadWriteTimeout value into the Timeout UI element, so you need to set the Timeout value again each time to have it persist, and if you don't have a ReadWriteTimeout value set then the display page will show a 0 timeout value. Should be a fairly trivial fix. 


Patch for this one, should go in the /Services/ directory of Broker. Will be included in the next 5.3 rollup release.
