
Port UNIFYBroker Azure O/S Platform

Bob Bradley 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 4 years ago 4

It is becoming an impediment to future UNIFY* opportunities, particularly in the hosted solution space, that UNIFYBroker runs only on the Windows Server O/S.  If porting it to run natively on Azure would significantly reduce the current hosting impediments, while at the same time retain the natural partitioning between sites that comes from hosting the service within a VM, this would be of significant benefit to all parties from Sales to Implementation.  It would also make the idea of having Broker 3rd-party configurable more of a possibility.



Capability currently provided through the UNIFYConnect service offering. Can be provided for demos or poc's as necessary.

Further improvements will be provided in a future release of the product (version 6.0)

Satisfaction mark by Bob Bradley 4 years ago
Under review

Hi Bob,

Would you be able to provide any further details on why running only on Windows Server O/S causes issues in the hosted solution space (namely Azure)?

Matt - this is purely an idea based on an observation that our ability to upscale and rapidly roll out solutions, or even build PoCs, is presently inhibited by the need to run up VMs.  An example is the present limitation of only running one IdB instance on any given VM ... creates issues when building site-specific PoCs.  This sort of thing I can only imagine would be much easier without the prerequisite Windows O/S.  Another other major benefit might be listing UNIFYBroker on the Microsoft Store.

Thanks Bob.

We do already have a backlog item to support containerization of Broker, however this is a significant piece of work as it requires re-architecture and differing runtime support requirements.

There'll always be a need for an underlying OS, whether Windows or *nix based. 

The product currently already supports running more than one instance on a VM. You would just have to clone the program files, configure different ports, and run the executable separately - assuming the machine resources could handle it. 

I'll speak with our operational and devops staff to determine the available options. 


Capability currently provided through the UNIFYConnect service offering. Can be provided for demos or poc's as necessary.

Further improvements will be provided in a future release of the product (version 6.0)