
Fantastic job with the REST API!

Bob Bradley 5 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 5 years ago 3

Blown away with how easy this is to work with - just needed a little push in the right direction and it worked a treat with minimal effort.  Endless possibilities here - particularly with scripted deployment!

Thanks guys!



Hey Bob,

Thanks for the great feedback! There are some nuances with the client generation, if you change the address to localhost you will have more luck. Otherwise, you can use an external tool (such as NSwagStudio) to achieve the same outcome.

I did find a small issue with the "Default API" operations "Get xxx client" ... these both fail, but I suspect that this might be something to do with the default address having a "+" instead of "localhost"?


Hey Bob,

Thanks for the great feedback! There are some nuances with the client generation, if you change the address to localhost you will have more luck. Otherwise, you can use an external tool (such as NSwagStudio) to achieve the same outcome.