
Entity key contains null value

Daniel Walters 6 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 6 years ago 1
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Can I get some assistance with what this error is inidcating? It says the entity key of the entity contains a null value. What is the entity key? I can find the user with the ID in MIM and there's a pending export that's failing where it's adding an attribute. There's no null or attribute deletion in MIM. The error in MIM isn't much help:

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Hey Dan,

This means that an update to an entity from MIM is attempting to flow out to Broker, but a field marked as a "Key" in the adapter does not have a value.

Make sure any fields you've got defined as being the key have values assigned when flowing either adds or updates.


Hey Dan,

This means that an update to an entity from MIM is attempting to flow out to Broker, but a field marked as a "Key" in the adapter does not have a value.

Make sure any fields you've got defined as being the key have values assigned when flowing either adds or updates.