
Export error "Other"

Eddie Kirkman 6 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

When exporting to IdB from MIM in a customer DEV lab I am getting this error.

MIM reports "other"

detail shows connected data source error code 0x8023134a

detail button gives

System.Exception: Status: 0
   at Unify.IdentityBroker.D2L.Agent.DefaultCommunicator.SendCommand(String urlPath, Method method, Object data) in C:\Projects\TAFE\Repositories\Connectors.D2L\V5 Connector\Source\Agent\DefaultCommunicator.cs:line 161
   at Unify.IdentityBroker.D2L.Agent.DefaultCommunicator.Update(AgentEntity entity) in C:\Projects\TAFE\Repositories\Connectors.D2L\V5 Connector\Source\Agent\DefaultCommunicator.cs:line 96
   at Unify.IdentityBroker.D2L.Connector.Connector.UpdateEntity(IConnectorEntity entity, ISaveEntityResults`2 results, DefaultCommunicator communicator) in C:\Projects\TAFE\Repositories\Connectors.D2L\V5 Connector\Source\Connector\Connector.cs:line 199

idb log shows:

19/Nov/2018 16:45:59
  • Information
LDAP EngineA client has connected to the LDAP endpoint from address:
19/Nov/2018 16:45:59
  • Information
LDAP engineHandling of LDAP bind request.
Handling of LDAP bind request received on connection to connect as user admin completed successfully. The bind was successful. Duration: 00:00:00.1093702.
19/Nov/2018 16:46:00
  • Information
LDAP engineHandling of LDAP Bulk Start request.
Handling of LDAP Bulk Start request received from user admin on connection completed successfully. Duration 00:00:00.
19/Nov/2018 16:46:00
  • Information
ConnectorRequest to add entity to connector.
Request to add entities [Count:5] to connector D2L Connector.
19/Nov/2018 16:46:00
  • Information
ConnectorAdd entities to connector completed.
Add entities [Count:5] to connector D2L Connector reported 5 entities saved. Duration: 00:00:00.2656223
19/Nov/2018 16:46:00
  • Information
LDAP engineHandling of LDAP Bulk Update request.
Handling of LDAP Bulk Update request received from user admin on connection completed successfully without results available for logging. Duration 00:00:00.5312437.
19/Nov/2018 16:46:00
  • Information
LDAP engineHandling of LDAP Bulk End request.
Handling of LDAP Bulk End request received from user admin on connection completed successfully without results available for logging. Duration 00:00:00.
19/Nov/2018 16:46:01
  • Information
LDAP engineHandling of LDAP unbind request.
Handling of LDAP unbind request received on connection to connect as user admin completed successfully. Duration: 00:00:00.
19/Nov/2018 16:46:06
  • Information
Change detection engineChange detection engine unscheduled started.
Change detection engine unscheduled for connector D2L Connector started.
19/Nov/2018 16:46:06
  • Information
Change detection engineChange detection engine unscheduled completed.
Change detection engine unscheduled for connector D2L Connector completed. Duration: 00:00:00.1093760

So everything looks fine from the IdB end, but MIM whinges and fails.  Any idea where I should look?



Hey Eddie,

The D2L connector is a Professional Services connector that has been custom written for the customer. 

To help you out, I had a quick look at the source, and that error comes from the request to the web service. The HTTP status code being returned is 0 and so therefore indicates an issue with the web service.

To assist with debugging, you could turn on diagnostic logging - the connector appears to have some logging help built in which logs the raw request and response. 

I'd also recommend ensuring that the web service is functioning correctly.

If all else fails, contacting the PS developer who wrote the connector is recommended - they should be able to help out with debugging the issue.


I do not have the source code for this connector (at least I could not see it on the customer's DEV server).  Did the source by any chance have the name of the developer?

Satisfaction mark by Eddie Kirkman 6 years ago

Hey Eddie,

The D2L connector is a Professional Services connector that has been custom written for the customer. 

To help you out, I had a quick look at the source, and that error comes from the request to the web service. The HTTP status code being returned is 0 and so therefore indicates an issue with the web service.

To assist with debugging, you could turn on diagnostic logging - the connector appears to have some logging help built in which logs the raw request and response. 

I'd also recommend ensuring that the web service is functioning correctly.

If all else fails, contacting the PS developer who wrote the connector is recommended - they should be able to help out with debugging the issue.