
Identity Broker 4.0 Testing Experiences With chris21

Christian Brown 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

The installation of Identity Broker 4.0 itself was quick and painless. There was a minor issue with the delayed enabling of the "Next" button--it seems the form validation is not re-evaluated until focus is changed to another field.

The creation of the chris21 Connector was based on the chris21 details form. Executing an Import All brought in the ~1200 entities (the addition of a progress bar is a nice feature as it removes the relative arbitrariness of progress seen in the previous version).

Other/minor notes (apologies if these have been documented already):

The required miiserver config file alteration is slightly different to the previous version of Identity Broker.

  • As noted in https://unifysolutions.jira.com/browse/IDB-467; the "contract" attribute of the //configuration/system.serviceModel/client/endpoint node should be "IdentityBrokerLDIFAdapter.ILDIFAdapter".
  • Is there any way the configuration changes could be automated in a future version?

If a dropdown menu is visible, navigation outside of that menu is prevented. (IE8)

Is it possible to also have the text in menu dropdowns hyperlinks, rather than just the icon it corresponds to?

Perhaps an intended feature to distinguish highlighted items, but the icons for the respective Connectors/Adapters enlarge on mouse over.

I was having an issue with Polling Imports so unfortunately was not able to test changes. I will update with these and other experiences upon further testing.



Issue Description
IDB-537 Installer next button.
IDBFIM-19 FIM .config
IDB-478 Clickable text links.

If a dropdown menu is visible, navigation outside of that menu is prevented. (IE8)

Could you expand on this a little? Are you able to make the menu go away by clicking elsewhere, or does it prevent you from doing other things?

Perhaps an intended feature to distinguish highlighted items, but the icons for the respective Connectors/Adapters enlarge on mouse over.

The intention was to allow for the images to expand for more detail should there be small writing on the logo. Do you not like how this works? Any suggestions?

I was having an issue with Polling Imports so unfortunately was not able to test changes. I will update with these and other experiences upon further testing.

Did you follow the instructions on setting up EAI on the chris21 tables? Or were you able to find anything in Jira already?


Could you expand on this a little? Are you able to make the menu go away by clicking elsewhere, or does it prevent you from doing other things?

Sorry, I meant that clicking on any hyperlink external to an expanded menu prevents navigation to that link. Clicking outside the menu does close it, unless I'm clicking on a link external to the menu which neither closes it nor navigates to the page hyperlinked.

The intention was to allow for the images to expand for more detail should there be small writing on the logo. Do you not like how this works? Any suggestions?

No that makes sense. I just thought it may have been unintended due to the subsequent push down of all content beneath.

Did you follow the instructions on setting up EAI on the chris21 tables? Or were you able to find anything in Jira already?

I've followed steps involving setting permissions to access the EAI file, but still receive a "BRE141:Access to EAI is denied" error. There's some related information on Jira so I'll read up on that and also check with Sam and Dan.


I have created EB-485 for the popup not hiding issue. It looks like all other issues have already been created or have a fix already.

How did the EAI error work out? I seem to remember that you had fixed this.

Can this issue be resolved?


All issues either fixed or covered in other issues.