
Adapter DN / container change not displaying warning

Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 7 years ago updated 1 week ago 2

As per the documentation ( https://voice.unifysolutions.net/knowledge-bases/7/articles/2873-adapter-overview ), a change in the DN template for an adapter, should generate a warning for clearing precalculated entities and generating changes again to ensure entities are updated appropriately. 

There appears to be a bug in 5.3.1, where changing the DN template does not generate a warning on the UI or in the logs. 

It would be good if the warning could be also generated for a change in the adapter object class or container name, if appropriate.



This has been implemented and is available in the release of UNIFYConnect V6, which will be made available shortly.

DN template warning shows on the homepage. 

Change in adapter object class or container name will force the adapter to be cleared upon saving.

Under review

Thanks. Added to backlog.


This has been implemented and is available in the release of UNIFYConnect V6, which will be made available shortly.

DN template warning shows on the homepage. 

Change in adapter object class or container name will force the adapter to be cleared upon saving.