
Deletion of partition "DC=IdentityBroker"

Carol Wapshere 7 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Microsoft Identity Manager updated by Curtis Lusmore 7 years ago 1

I have installed IdB on a new Dev server and migrated the config from Production, which has IdB 5.0.4. I created the LDAP gateway and got the MA imported - however when I tried to make any changes to the MA I got a warning that it was going to delete the partitions "DC=IdentityBroker" (previously selected) and "cn=schema" (previously un-selected).

After backing up the MA I let it delete the partitions, and so far everything looks fine - I can run a Full Import and data was imported from the adapters.

So this is just a sanity check - was letting MIM delete that partition from the MA the right thing to do?



Hi Carol,

We changed the way the MIM MA retrieves partitions. It previously used the entries defined in the naming context of the root DSE, but it now uses the OUs underneath DC=IdentityBroker. This was to prevent using DC=IdentityBroker as a partition, as importing from DC=IdentityBroker involves querying multiple adapters and this proved problematic.

I don't believe that the deletion of those partitions should affect your solution, but if you do notice any problems please update this ticket.

Satisfaction mark by Carol Wapshere 7 years ago

Hi Carol,

We changed the way the MIM MA retrieves partitions. It previously used the entries defined in the naming context of the root DSE, but it now uses the OUs underneath DC=IdentityBroker. This was to prevent using DC=IdentityBroker as a partition, as importing from DC=IdentityBroker involves querying multiple adapters and this proved problematic.

I don't believe that the deletion of those partitions should affect your solution, but if you do notice any problems please update this ticket.