
IdB search logging on Diagnostic instead of Verbose

Carol Wapshere 7 years ago in PowerShell connector updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 5

With the Powershell connector I add lots of logging into my scripts. When troubleshooting I want to bump the log level up to Verbose so I can see my Information logs - however IdB UI search logging also seems to run at this level. So if I put "My Powershell script" as a search in the IdB Logs UI it fills up with lots of logging about that particular search string, making it hard for me to track my own logs. Could the IdB search logging be moved to a Diagnostic setting?



Yes, easy enough to do and agree that it's a more sensible log level for this message.


Yes, easy enough to do and agree that it's a more sensible log level for this message.

Do you need it urgently? Or is it fine to wait for the next release?

Next release is fine - it was just an improvement suggestion.

There are also a lot of messages like the following in Verbose:

Request to retrieve connector configurations

Request to get the Comment of a selected adapter

Request to get the enabled state of the select connector

Request to retrieve adapter schema


They don't bug me so much because I can filter them out with a search - but could be worth re-evaluating for Verbose/Diagnostic level.

Yeah those all sound like Diag level logs too. Thanks.