
Add request failed as the converted DN blah does not match the request DN otherBlah

Matthew Woolnough 8 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Microsoft SharePoint updated by anonymous 8 years ago 9

Seeing the error below in exporting users to Sharepoint. 

Is there a DN requirement in Sharepoint?

Add request failed as the converted DN UID=18df1b3e-7787-429b-b0a0-ddad2ed4b1a4,OU=SPUsers,DC=IdentityBroker does not match the request DN CN=wxli,OU=SPUsers,DC=IdentityBroker.



Hi Matt,

This error indicates that the DN that you are generating in your IDM platform differs from the DN generated by Identity Broker based on the Distinguished Name Template for your adapter. You'll need to reconfigure one or the other so that they match. Just a note that if you use @IdBID in the DN template, you will also need to supply a value for the entryUUID field as part of your add requests.

Satisfaction mark by Matthew Woolnough 8 years ago

Hi Matt,

This error indicates that the DN that you are generating in your IDM platform differs from the DN generated by Identity Broker based on the Distinguished Name Template for your adapter. You'll need to reconfigure one or the other so that they match. Just a note that if you use @IdBID in the DN template, you will also need to supply a value for the entryUUID field as part of your add requests.

I have codeless creating an appropriate DN now, but still getting an error:

Add request failed as the converted DN 
UID=128b1497-82ae-49f4-9950-8b6eb4f608da,OU=SPUsers,DC=IdentityBroker does not match the request DN 

That's because they still don't match. As Curtis mentioned:

you will also need to supply a value for the entryUUID field as part of your add requests

Ahhh, the RDN has to match the entryUUID?  

Yes, as it's part of the DN template, the resultant (generated) DN must match what you send out.

I don't understand.  I am provisioning a new account into SharePoint via IdB.   Codeless FW creates a DN that matches the template:


There is nothing in IdB to match as far as I am aware. The following is the value I am provisioning:


Where does the following come from?


It doesn't match the template though. It's not <any guid>, it's <entryUUID>

The UID portion of the DN and the entryUUID match, as seen in the image below

I'm no longer seeing this error after applying the dll from this issue.