Boolean Constant attribute appears as String in connector space
As shown in the image below, Boolean constant appears as a string in the Connector Space.

Interestingly, I have 2 Boolean Constant. One works, the other does not. Both are configured the same.

Hi Matt,
Is this the field that you previously had generated from a Time Offset Flag transformation? Please note that Time Offset Flag transformations generate a string-typed field. When did you generate the schema for this MA in MIM, when it was from the Time Offset Flag or from the Constant?

No. This is a different MA. That was the employee MA. This is the schedule MA.

I did a schema refresh just in case something was awry, but it came back with "Schemas are the Same. No update required"

Hi Matt,
Has the type of this field on this adapter ever previously been string, and if so is it possible that the entity was imported during this time? I note that the value for this field is the fully uppercase FALSE rather than the traditional lowercase false for boolean values. In this case, a Full Import should update the type to match its true value. If not, could you please run an LDAP trace while running the schema refresh to confirm the schema type supplied to MIM by Identity Broker?

No, but EmployeeTerminated on the employee adapter is a string. It's a bit odd - I know, but this is how its configured in the original solution. I am just migrating whats there.

Thanks Matt,
Strange indeed. I note you only have a small handful of entities, can you check to see if the others are reporting the type of the EmployeeTerminated field correctly?
If we're reporting the type of the field correctly and a full import doesn't correct it, it seems like it could be a bug in MIM. Perhaps you could try changing the name of the field and generating changes in identity Broker, then refreshing the schema and running a Full Import to see if this forces the field to be re-evaluated by MIM.

All objects report the same type of string for EmployeeTerminated.
- Change the attribute name to EmployeeTerminator in IdB
- detect schema
- select new attribute
- import data
MIM has correct type of boolean for EmployeeTerminator
- Change the attribute name to EmployeeTerminated in IdB
- detect schema
- select new attribute
- import data
MIM once again has the incorrect type of string for EmployeeTerminator.

Thanks for that Matt. It seems like MIM is stuck thinking this name has string type - perhaps a new MA will avoid this bad state? Or else you may need to raise a ticket with Microsoft to find out how to correct it.

Created a new MA with only 3 attributes:
- EmployeeTerminated (Boolean)
- ContractorTerminated (Boolean)
- GivenName (String)
EmployeeTerminated still coming through as a string, whilst ContractorTerminated appears as a boolean.

Without knowing what sharing exists in MIM between MAs for identical object types and attributes, it seems you have a bug on your hands. You've demonstrated that we are reporting the correct type to MIM and that MIM is capable of understanding the schema correctly, but for some reason with that name it's stuck thinking it's a string. You'll have to either raise a support ticket with Microsoft, or stick to the changed field name and move on.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Without knowing what sharing exists in MIM between MAs for identical object types and attributes, it seems you have a bug on your hands. You've demonstrated that we are reporting the correct type to MIM and that MIM is capable of understanding the schema correctly, but for some reason with that name it's stuck thinking it's a string. You'll have to either raise a support ticket with Microsoft, or stick to the changed field name and move on.