
Identity Broker Service 5.1 Installation/Upgrade Setup Wizard Ended Prematurely

Aneesh Varghese 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 11

Identity Broker Service Installation/upgrade Setup Wizard Ended Prematurely. Here are the version details:

Current Version • Identity Broker Service v4.1.4 RTM x64

Target Version

• Identity Broker Service v5.1.0.2 RTM x64

Please see the attached screenshots.

Image 4148

Image 4147



Service just started fine. Indeed it is strange why the installer failed for the very first time. I will let you know if I see the similar behavior in the next environment (UAT).  So for now, it can be closed. Thanks for your help. Cheers 

Under review

Is the state in the old database required, or can you just do a fresh installation?

If you need to do the upgrade, please run an:

msiexec /i filename.msi /lvx* install.log

Yes, we will have to retain the Database state, so the upgrade is the way to go. 

I reran the installer and selected "Attempt Upgrade" same as before, but this time the installer succeeded. I mean the upgrade setup wizard completed successfully without any errors. Do you need the log file to review? 

I will try to start the service and will let you know. 

There are very few scenarios that necessitate the database be kept (see http://voice.unifysolutions.net/topics/2941-moving-the-identity-broker-database/ for details). However, I'd obviously like to resolve any issues that are happening.

That's strange that it would work the second time around. The logs probably aren't of any use now that it has succeeded though. Happy to close unless it comes back up as I'm not sure what we can do now?

The service won't start. I think it is failing to start because I haven't upgraded any other connectors (MS Dynamics CRM for instance). I will go ahead and upgrade those and will let you know.


Service just started fine. Indeed it is strange why the installer failed for the very first time. I will let you know if I see the similar behavior in the next environment (UAT).  So for now, it can be closed. Thanks for your help. Cheers 

Hi Adam,

I observed the exact same behaviour/failure (Identity Broker Service Installation/upgrade Setup Wizard Ended Prematurely.) in the Test environment.

I have the installer log file.

What do you want me to do? ignore the error and rerun the installer as last time and proceed?  

Are you able to use the manual step in the installer, then run the database upgrade sql file inside Sql Server Managerment Studio so that we can get the actual error out?

Hi Adam,

I reran the installer and succeeded. I am not very concerned about this issue at this stage, as this is not a blocker and the work-around (re-running the installer) seems work fine. So, I will add a step in my implementation plan to re-run the installer upon failure.

Ah that's right, I had forgotten that it worked a second time (just reread your earlier comment). Yes, I'll take you up on your offer for the install log, thanks.

Oops log file got overwritten when I reran the installer :-) I will give you the log file when I perform the upgrade in the next environment.