Not saving watermark leading to delta imports failing
This is related to:
The Delta Import on an IDB 5.1 MA is failing and returning the following stack trace:
The extensible extension returned an unsupported error.
Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.LdapOperationException: Error during processing of SearchRequest targetting cn=changelog: Operation timed out while waiting for message queue with id of 10. ---> System.OperationCanceledException: Operation timed out while waiting for message queue with id of 10.</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.LdapConnection.GetMessage(Int32 messageId)</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.SearchRequest.Send(Func`2 send, Func`2 recv)</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.LdapConnection.SendRequest(ILdapRequest request)</em>
<div><em> --- End of inner exception stack trace ---</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.LdapConnection.SendRequest(ILdapRequest request)</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.LdapConnectionProxy.<SearchRequestPaged>d__8.MoveNext()</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.ImportProxy.<GetChangedEntriesPaged>d__30.MoveNext()</em>
<div><em> at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__14`2.MoveNext()</em>
<div><em> at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()</em>
<div><em> at System.Linq.Enumerable.<SelectManyIterator>d__14`2.MoveNext()</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.ExtensionMethods.Take[TSource](IEnumerator`1 source, Int32 count, IList`1& items)</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.ExtensionMethods.<Page>d__3`1.MoveNext()</em>
<div><em> at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.ImportProxy.Import(GetImportEntriesRunStep importRunStep)</em>
<div><em>Forefront Identity Manager 4.3.2266.0
Previously this issue was under control by occasionally doing full imports but the delta imports are no longer functioning at all and failing on each run.
When the delta imports were running each run would have a number of staging errors from trying to recreate connectors that've already been created and we can see on other IDB MA's in the environment that each delta import is computing the same items each run.
computing the same items
Has this been confirmed with an LDAP trace? Has this been confirmed as the same issue as ? If so has a support call been raised with Microsoft?
Customer support service by UserEcho
No response.