
Progress bars should not report percentage if a job has not yet run.

Tony Sheehy 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

Progress bars should not report percentage if a job has not yet run. The default value may be wildly inaccurate which may lead to issues about jobs seemingly getting stuck at the artificial end.

Additionally, it might be worth saying that a job is over 100% if it takes longer than the last run.

AvV: Tony, I like the idea of showing the animation for the whole progress for these jobs.

Changed version as not critical and risk is too high of introducing more issues.

This definitely has to be fixed though.

As discussed some time ago, the first run should have the moving gif animation across the whole amount. Subsequent runs that take longer than the last run should do the same.

Provide as much information in the tooltip as possible, that is of use to the user.

The percentage calculation is wrong, during the demo meeting, the value appeared as int.Min.

The value for the position of the scrollbar and the value for the percentage should both be run through a normalise function to bring it up to the minimum and down to the maximum.

This issue was resolved in Beta and confirmed in regression testing. Issue closed.