
EVent Broker not being triggered From IdentityBroker Change Log

Phil Whipps 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 8

It does not look like the Check operation is working, I know there are changes currently pending but Event broker does not think so.

Log below from Event Broker

20161031,05:54:34,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Operation list FIM Agent Callista Delta Import Sync started,Verbose
20161031,05:54:34,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Running check operation Identity Broker Changes for operation list FIM Agent Callista Delta Import Sync,Verbose
20161031,05:54:34,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Check operation Identity Broker Changes for operation list FIM Agent Callista Delta Import Sync returned False,Verbose
20161031,05:54:34,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Operation list FIM Agent Callista Delta Import Sync finished,Verbose



The issue has been resolved, the cause was that the changes had not been processed by the adapter yet.

Under review

Phil, Could you please confirm that you have imported a new change into Identity Broker and that the operation still returns false? Could you also try restarting Identity Broker, it should return true following a restart.


I have just restarted the IDB Service and a delta import was triggered.

I will make another change

No It has not been triggered again - I can search the connector in IDB and it exists but Event broker will not recognise the change

Also as a side note I believe the Identity was imported from the Full Import not the Delta. It has also got an old UPDATED_ON value which is used by by the IDB Poll operation.

EVent Broker: v3.2.1 Revision #3

IDB: v0.0.4 Revision #0 ( on the exe)

Also Trying to failover to second node to see if this fixes issue

Hi Phil,

Is this same issue happening with your other Identity Broker Changes operation?

They have not been tested - We have just failed over to the other FIM Server and it looks like it works. The next plan is to fail back and retest. I have checked the versions / dates of files of the 2, extensible is the same not sure what else to check. I will keep you posted


The issue has been resolved, the cause was that the changes had not been processed by the adapter yet.