
IdB4: Cannot delete last adapter of a composite adapter

Peter Wass 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

I have demoted a connector out of a composite adapter. I am now trying to delete the other adapter that is part of the composite (the connector was deleted so I don't want it).

The product accepts it and returns you to the main page. However, if you then click on the composite adapter again it displays the 'deleted' connector. it should either tell you you can't do it, or do it and perhaps delete the composite as well (with a warning).

Just checked - nothing is logged as a warning or error regarding failure to delete the adapter.

Reassigned for confirmation of completion.

Waiting on IDB-636 before able to confirm.

Tony, please confirm and close this off when possible.

I've confirmed this in quite a number of builds. Closed.