
IdB4: Make Entity Id the same as other columns in Entity Search

Peter Wass 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 6

If we are using the Entity ID its because its an anchor or similar in FIM. Therefore, we would like to be able to search or filter for a specific entity by ID. Similarly, we may often not care what it is and would like to hide it. Can it be treated the same way as any other column?

Also, it would be good if clicking anywhere on the row brought up the entity view (which is great!), thus removing the issue if the column is hidden.

Tony; I don't know how this works so you'll have to determine whether this is feasible or not.

The original reason for not adding an Entity Id search was that I thought it was more likely you'd search for the Schema key; as it sounds like that isn't the case, I don't think this would be too difficult to include - namely it will require a few more search queries and some minor updates to the column headings in the UI.

Sometimes, IdBID is our key - hence its occasional use.

In that case I'd say we do it.

I don't know Peter's reasoning behind this but I can think of a few myself - we still (and will continue to use) the EntityId for the DN in a number of instances, and it's quite easy to identity FIM entries with it.

EDIT: Good timing Pete!

I've included a search box just above the Entity Id column which returns only the specified entity with the entity id; It might be worth thinking of having a Key Search instead which looks up matching entities for an input against an Entity ID + all available multi-key values.

Confirmed. Closed.