
Effort required to upgrade IdB to 5.0 to 5.1

Matthew Woolnough 9 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Microsoft Identity Manager updated by anonymous 9 years ago 1

Being a minor release, I expect the effort to be minor, but just after some confirmation of this.

How long has this process taken during testing?



Hi Matthew,

The MA just gets dropped in. It should just work. If delta's don't it's due to a bug in MIM that prevents the watermark from being persisted. We're not sure what the trigger is for fixing it, however, two sites had it start working after recreating the MA.

Identity Broker takes about 10 minutes, plus about 2 minutes per connector. The changes are fairly well isolated so unlikely to cause issues. Plus any testing.



Hi Matthew,

The MA just gets dropped in. It should just work. If delta's don't it's due to a bug in MIM that prevents the watermark from being persisted. We're not sure what the trigger is for fixing it, however, two sites had it start working after recreating the MA.

Identity Broker takes about 10 minutes, plus about 2 minutes per connector. The changes are fairly well isolated so unlikely to cause issues. Plus any testing.
