Not a bug

An unrecognized critical control was supplied

Bob Bradley 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

The following error was reported from a FIM import:

Handling of LDAP search request from user hrma on connection targeting OU=HR,DC=IdentityBroker with a scope of WholeSubtree failed with error "An unrecognized critical control was supplied.". Duration: 00:00:00.

From the error log:

20160403,23:58:20,UNIFY Identity Broker,LDAP engine,Error,"Handling of LDAP search request.

Handling of LDAP search request from user hrma on connection targeting OU=HR,DC=IdentityBroker with a scope of WholeSubtree failed with error ""An unrecognized critical control was supplied."". Duration: 00:00:00.",Normal
20160403,23:58:50,UNIFY Identity Broker,LDAP Engine,Information,A client has connected to the LDAP endpoint from address:,Normal
20160403,23:58:50,UNIFY Identity Broker,LDAP engine,Error,"Handling of LDAP search request.

Going by the frequency of the error I believe that it is from the Event Broker agent:

Image 3042


Not a bug

Hi Bob,

You're correct, it is being triggered by the FIM Event Broker operation. This is because the mechanism used to check for changes in LDAP/AD has not yet been added as a supported feature in Identity Broker (it's roadmapped). See https://unifysolutions.jira.com/wiki/display/EB32/Identity+Broker+Changes for details on checking for changes in Identity Broker.



Event Broker UI needs to list v5 as an option for the Identity Broker agent.

Satisfaction mark by Bob Bradley 9 years ago
Not a bug

Hi Bob,

You're correct, it is being triggered by the FIM Event Broker operation. This is because the mechanism used to check for changes in LDAP/AD has not yet been added as a supported feature in Identity Broker (it's roadmapped). See https://unifysolutions.jira.com/wiki/display/EB32/Identity+Broker+Changes for details on checking for changes in Identity Broker.


Thanks Adam - what threw me was that the version dropdown on the Identity Broker agent config didn't list 5.*, and so I figured that this was now legacy and proceeded with a (generic) LDAP agent. I can see that https://unifysolutions.jira.com/wiki/display/EB32/Identity+Broker lists v5 so I now expect this to work, but I wouldn't be surprised if others made the same deduction as me.