
Identity Broker always logs to Application Event Log

Matthew Woolnough 11 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

Identity Broker v4.1 allows you to specify an event log to write to. Regardless of the event log chosen, it always writes to the application log.
If a custom log is chosen, it creates the event log (if it has sufficient rights), however it doesn't write to this log.

The logging system works as intended however Windows requires restarting for changes to take effect. Also, when using custom logs, the log is only generated upon a entry being written to it and must exist before the system is reset. By ensuring the custom log was created and restarting, I was able to get IdB to write to a custom log and not 'Application'.

Restarting Windows to install a service seems a bit unnecessary. I'm sure this is the brute force approach. There must be something else occurring here. Perhaps the installer should create the custom log, as the service itself should not have rights to create a new event log?