
Transformations should check their prerequisites

Matthew Clark 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 11

The IsOperative transformation and a number of others need to check their prerequisites before being created, like the Time Offset transformation. In the case of IsOperative, it needs to check if there are any date fields present. If there aren't it presents a UI with nothing in its dropdowns.

The Relational String priority transformation doesn't enforce the values on the string priority drop down, and the multivalue union transformation doesn't enforce the left or right field drop downs.

Business day offset checks these prerequisites, but puts up an error message on the Business Day Offset view. If possible it would be good to bring the user back to the page for the adapter where they can add/update their transformations instead of having to navigate back to it using the Back button or one of the menu tabs.

Moved to beta.

How has this been done on other transformations? Can we repeat it easily?


Assigned to Tony

This should be completed alongside IDB-504.

Reassigned for confirmation of completion.

Confirmed with the transformations I could test.

The Relational String priority transformation doesn't enforce the values on the string priority drop down, and the multivalue union transformation doesn't enforce the left or right field drop downs.

Might pay to do IDB-687 at the same time.

Reassigned for confirmation of completion. Remaining individual transformations have their own issues for prerequisite checks.


  • Business day offset puts a message on the transformation page itself, rather than returning the user to the adapter page with a temp data message like the other transformations do (eg. Time Offset, Date Relational)
  • Time Offset Flag does not check prerequisites and has an empty field selection box
  • Time Relational Priority does not check for the presence of an integer field first and the priority field is empty if none exist

All other transformations (including all the relational, date relational, membership list transformations) seem to correctly check for their prerequisites

Exception fallback position updated to Adapter Details, listed transformations updated to reflect correct prerequisites.