
Unable to view previously installed IdB Components when logged on as a different user

Craig Gilmour 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 6

When I attempted in install a newer version of Identity Broker for Sharepoint at DET the first step was to uninstall the previous version. Unfortunately I could not see it. I checked with Eddie and he said he had this problem as well. Apparently the Add Remove Programs in Control panel only displays the product if you logged on as the user who installed it originally. He found this with previous installs as well when Matt Clark had originally installed it.

The version that was originally installed was
UNIFY Identity Broker for Microsoft SharePoint v3.0.1 x86.msi

The new version I attempted to install was:
UNIFY Identity Broker for Microsoft SharePoint v3.0.5.2 x86.msi

I did manage to see some of the other Identity Broker components but am not familiar enough with the component list to state whether it is ONLY an issue with the Sharepoint Connector or not. Either way it is definitely an issue with Sharepoint. I have attached a screenshot of what I see with my AD Account.

I think the following is also problematic:
UNIFY Identity Broker Service v3.0.0 x86.msi

Can this please be addressed in the next build and also a check of all the components to make sure it is not a problem elsewhere.



Hi Craig,

This is a known problem that Eddie encountered some time back in May and applies not only to Identity Broker for SharePoint, but all other components as well (there's discussion on a QDET issue somewhere, but I'm having trouble locating it at the moment). It's been fixed in Event Broker v3.0 (EB-353) as a result of this discovery, but due to technical reasons this cannot be fixed elsewhere until the next version of Identity Broker.

If this is so serious that it cannot be worked around, I can discuss with the team whether there is any other way to proceed, but I can't guarantee when or if this could be fixed for IdB v3.

I am more than comfortable for this to be addressed in the next product release. I just wanted to make sure it was raised formally through a Jira Issue so it was tracked. If you said Eddie raised it I guess it was addressed but I didn't see the paper trail so to speak to know whether it had been addressed.

All good - thanks. Feel free to close or do whatever you want to this issue if you have it tracked elsewhere.


Not at all, very glad that we have a proper record of it now - I'll move it to the product and make sure it gets addressed early in the development cycle.

If it does become a problem at DET before then, please let me know and I'll see if we can do something to help in the mean time.

This has already been fixed in v4.0.

Re-opening to correct Billing Key