
Create Pending Export Operation

Boyd Bostock 6 years ago updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 6 years ago 5

Check Operation - Create Pending Export Operation is not working since the upgrade to v4.0.1.

The select agents is displayed and list is populate with MIM/AAD Connect agents but nothing happens when clicking on continue. Confirmed this is happening on more than one Event Broker instance.


Under review

Hi Boyd, it appears that new model validation was preventing the multi-step from progressing. Please try patching web\bin with Unify.EventBroker.Web.dll

Satisfaction mark by Boyd Bostock 6 years ago
Under review

Hi Boyd, it appears that new model validation was preventing the multi-step from progressing. Please try patching web\bin with Unify.EventBroker.Web.dll

Replaced the file, still won't go past the Select Agent.

Hi Boyd,

I was able to reproduce your original issue but Adams patch resolved it and I was able to successfully create the Pending Export Operation.

Are you sure the patch was installed into the correct directory? By default, this should be Event Broker\Web\bin but if a standalone web installation is configured in the web extensibility file, the patch needs to be added there instead.

If the patch is correctly installed, can you perform a network trace of the failing request? This can be done with rawcap (http://www.netresec.com/?page=RawCap) or Fiddler (https://www.telerik.com/fiddler).

I found I had not put the patch into the Event Broker\IIS\bin folder, it is now working.