
Event Broker Monitoring

Bob Bradley 6 years ago updated by Adam van Vliet 6 years ago 1

Further to the basic concepts from https://voice.unifysolutions.net/communities/5/topics/1964-create-alerts-for-informing-end-user-of-important-events, a situation arose this week with a customer where a critical operation list had been disabled and not re-enabled in a timely fashion.  In this case we still don't know how this happened - other than it wasn't anyone from UNIFY (no access at the time) and it wasn't the Safety Catch.

What I am thinking of configuring is a PowerShell script which sends an email notification in the event that an operation list is detected as disabled for longer than a configurable period of time (e.g. put operation lists in a "watch group" and if any one of these operations is detected as disabled at the time of the check/probe, then start a counter ... and if after say 3 consecutive probes the operation list is still disabled, generate an alert.

This would be a useful feature to come OOTB, however ... i.e. its own health monitoring capability.  This could be a tab in its own right, configured with a number of operations independent of the "normal" operation lists.  Needs some thought.



I imagine this could be done in OMS (or I imagine any other platform), by subscribing to the right event and creating an alert based on the last seen time. This might be better asked in the AMS forum?


I imagine this could be done in OMS (or I imagine any other platform), by subscribing to the right event and creating an alert based on the last seen time. This might be better asked in the AMS forum?