
Create Unify Licenses in Base64 format

Matthew Woolnough 7 years ago updated by Curtis Lusmore 7 years ago 5

Provide Unify EvB license in Base64 Format, rather than binary so that they can be pasted into RDP sessions.  It's often difficult to get these binary files into certain environments. 



Hi Matt,

I might just add that you can convert the license to/from Base64 with a PowerShell one-liner.

[Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content .\path\to\license.lic -Encoding Byte))
$license = "Base64StringGoesHere..."
[Convert]::FromBase64String($license) | Set-Content .\path\to\license.lic -Encoding Byte
Under review

Is there a problem with copy+paste files over (https://haacked.com/archive/2010/05/18/remote-desktop-file-copy.aspx/)?

Its very often disabled as a security precaution to stop people from copying files out.

I'll leave the suggestion open to see if we get more feedback on it.


No support from others. Also, if the MSI can be copied to the machine there shouldn't be a reason for the license to be any different.


Hi Matt,

I might just add that you can convert the license to/from Base64 with a PowerShell one-liner.

[Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content .\path\to\license.lic -Encoding Byte))
$license = "Base64StringGoesHere..."
[Convert]::FromBase64String($license) | Set-Content .\path\to\license.lic -Encoding Byte