
If a task is queued, how long after the blocking task has finished executing should the queued task start?

Matthew Woolnough 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 11

As per the subject, iIf a task is queued, how long after the blocking task has finished executing should the queued? I am seeing instances where the MIM MA Incoming Run Profile runs, blocks the export Run Profile, the Incoming Run Profile run finishes but the export never starts.



Thanks, I've created an item in the backlog.

Is it possible to view the queue?

Not currently (although the idea has been floated before). The output in verbose should show you what was queued and when things are blocked due to exclusions groups.

Under review

It should trigger the operation list as soon as there are no other blocking operation lists. If there's a check operation on the export operation list it could just be returning false. Set the logging to verbose to see the whether the operation list is being triggered when you expect it, and what the outcome of the check operation list is.

Seeing many of the following errors, but no Run Profiles running in MIM:

20170731,01:09:27,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operations,Information,The operation list of name MIM Agent Aurion Employees MA Incoming with id 1d8ef480-216b-4bcd-85c2-396a4e535e4e cannot be run due a conflict with the group.,Normal
20170731,01:09:55,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operations,Information,The operation list of name MIM Agent Aurion Security Users MA Incoming with id 297e1b51-2044-4622-8c5e-5a04c3d2e8cc cannot be run due a conflict with the group.,Normal
20170731,01:15:21,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operations,Information,The operation list of name MIM Agent FIM MA Outgoing with id 3813fc0f-e1d0-4c93-8d44-c826c1aaadc0 cannot be run due a conflict with the group.,Normal
20170731,01:24:27,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operations,Information,The operation list of name MIM Agent Aurion Employees MA Incoming with id 1d8ef480-216b-4bcd-85c2-396a4e535e4e cannot be run due a conflict with the group.,Normal
20170731,01:25:20,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operations,Information,The operation list of name MIM Agent FIM MA Outgoing with id 3813fc0f-e1d0-4c93-8d44-c826c1aaadc0 cannot be run due a conflict with the group.,Normal

It's not what operations are running in MIM - it's the MIM Event Broker exclusion groups. Have look at the other operation lists that are running and check the exclusion group settings.

I think this might just be a logging issue.  On the export, the check is not logged, so it appears to the user as though something was queued, but never occurred. On Verbose logging you can see something occurred.  It might be worthwhile changing once of these to normal logging level, to remove any confusion about what the system is doing.


20170731,01:33:01,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Operation list MIM Agent Aurion Security Users MA Outgoing started,Verbose

20170731,01:33:01,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Running check operation Pending Exports Operation for operation list MIM Agent Aurion Security Users MA Outgoing,Verbose

20170731,01:33:01,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Check operation Pending Exports Operation for operation list MIM Agent Aurion Security Users MA Outgoing returned False,Verbose

20170731,01:33:01,UNIFY MIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Operation list MIM Agent Aurion Security Users MA Outgoing finished,Verbose


Thanks, I've created an item in the backlog.

The Aurion Security User MA has exports queued and they are not getting exported. Looking at the check operation, they are targeted at the MIM Agent & I cannot change it to the IdB Agent.  How can this be targeted at IdB?

You can't, the agent that performs the pending export check must be a MIM Agent. It's the MA setting that you want to get right - see http://voice.unifysolutions.net/topics/2645-pending-exports-changes-operation/ for details.

OK. In that case, I am at a loss as to why the queued exports are not being exported.

Any update on this?