
A Windows account rename has triggered SQL connection issues

Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1


Following a Windows account rename, FIM Event Broker operations dependent on SQL Server Windows authentication fail with a message similar to the following:

Agent test is failing with the message: "Cannot open database "FIMSyncronizationService" requested by login. The login failed.

Affected software

  • FIM Event Broker.


Following a Windows account rename, all SQL Server operations dependent on the account could potentially fail with a "login failed" message.


SQL Server logins can become out of sync with the Windows account name following a rename. The login must be updated to match the Windows account name. To update the details, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa337562.aspx (for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio), or http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189828.aspx (for Transact-SQL).