
Feature to identify hosting environment (DEV/TEST/PROD) for UNIFY product websites

Bob Bradley 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2 1 duplicate

A feature is requested to support sites where UNIFY websites are hosted under IIS to be accessible externally to the hosting server - whereby a visual way of differentiating one site from another is required (DEV from TEST, DEV from PROD, etc.).

An approach has been implemented at one site by simply appending the following text to the site.css file - giving the effect of a different colour for the navbar background for DEV and TEST sites (PROD remains as per default installation):

/* Differentiate DEV from TEST and PROD */
.navbar { background-color: #ccff99 !important; background-image: none !important; }
/* Differentiate TEST from DEV and PROD */
/*.navbar { background-color: #ffffcc !important; background-image: none !important; }*/



Hey Bob,

Thanks for the suggestion. At this stage we'll keep it under consideration for potential future versions. The workaround you have provided above (manually editing the CSS) would be the current suggestion, should the need arise.

If the need for this feature becomes more common, feel free to reopen the ticket.

Duplicates 1

To elaborate, the above method provides a hand-crafted means of achieving the desired outcome, but a more integrated/OOTB feature would be ideal


Hey Bob,

Thanks for the suggestion. At this stage we'll keep it under consideration for potential future versions. The workaround you have provided above (manually editing the CSS) would be the current suggestion, should the need arise.

If the need for this feature becomes more common, feel free to reopen the ticket.