
FIM Event Broker scheduling question

Victor Maceda (NZ Parliament) 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

Received the following from Victor Maceda (NZ Parliament):

Hi Adam,

I got a question regarding run profiles in event broker. If for example an operation is running for a delta import and delta sync (every 15 minutes) and there’s another schedule to run a full import full sync (daily at 4 am). The schedule coincide while to other is still running. Will event broker queue this and run the next until the previous job is completed?


Victor Maceda

Hi Victor Maceda (NZ Parliament),

Yes FIM Event Broker will queue the scheduled operation list if the Queue on Block setting is set. See https://unifysolutions.jira.com/wiki/display/EB31/Operation+Lists#OperationLists-Configuration.

Hi Victor,

Has your question been answered satisfactorily?



Hi Shane,

Yup. You can close this case.

