
Error in Dashboard of Event Broker

Monash 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3

We have a AD DIDS operation in event broker

On dashboard it says there is an error

But in verbose log there is no error

20150729,00:09:16,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Operation list MonashAD - DIDS started,Verbose
20150729,00:09:17,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Completed Management Agent: MonashAD - Run Profile: DIDS operation with id f0986d76-16df-4996-93e7-cc1dc8ba0326 in operation list MonashAD - DIDS,Verbose
20150729,00:09:17,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Completed Active Directory Commit operation with id 4f484b80-25ca-453c-9940-541a6b84d376 in operation list MonashAD - DIDS,Verbose
20150729,00:09:17,UNIFY FIM Event Broker,Operation List Executor,Information,Operation list MonashAD - DIDS finished,Verbose

Looks like a commit error

My question is

1) For the account being used for AD Listener, what rights does it need? (https://unifysolutions.jira.com/wiki/display/EB32/Active+Directory)

2) What could be failing for AD Commit - Log says successful.


Hi Monash,
Any LDAP error should be logged in the AD server. Can you pls look at EventViewer in the AD server and find the detail error message.


Hi Monash

Check the configuration for this Active Directory Commit operation. Is the Success Action set as Stop operation list execution? If this is the case, changing this to Run next operation should resolve the issue.

The Stop operation list execution currently causes Event Broker to regard the operation list as failing, even if the operation itself succeeded. We will be re-evaluating this for future iterations of Event Broker.

Hi Beau

Thanks that was the issue.. didn't notice it..

Can't see the error atm. We can close this ticket