
Enable/disable multiple MAs at once

Matthew Clark 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 5

There are instances where a particular operation list needs to be tested, without the interference of global or MA startups/schedules. At present, each must be disabled one at a time before the desired op list can be tested. It would be nice if you were able to select multiple MAs/lists at a time for disabling/enabling

Although we can't do exactly this in EB3 as operation lists aren't tied to a particular Management Agent, enabling/disabling multiple operation lists would be handy and quite easy with the new web UI. Using whatever filter/search you choose, list the operation lists with checkboxes and the option to enable/disable all selected ones.

Matt, as you probably understand the most about the types of reasons this would be beneficial, is it something we've already accounted for or could account for with minor changes?

This would be easy enough with a minor "checkbox"-type approach, as in you could "highlight" a number of operation lists at once and enable/disable them. This will be useful especially now that configuration cannot take place without disabling an operation list

Reassigned for confirmation of completion

Tested a number of combinations with no issues. Issue closed.