
Is the running the Operations status being logged in the Event Broker log file?

Shane Lim 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 9

I have managed to successfully configured

  • Identity Broker Agent
  • The corresponding Check Operation for Identity Broker Changes operation
  • The run profile operation for "Delta Import and Delt Sync"

The Operation List is enabled and working.

When there is a change in the Identity Broker and the Operation being carried out successfully I cannot find any corresponding log entry for the Operations being performed in the log file.

I thought be perhaps by default it does not have the log filter level for logging this information. Thus I modified the Unify.Product.EventBroker.LoggingEnginePlugInKey.extensibility.config.xml to include the severity for "All" as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<LoggingEngine changeId="


" logDaysKeep="5" filePrefix="UnifyLog">
<LogWriter name="AsyncLogWriterComposite">
<logFilter name="Severity" severity="All" />
<LogWriter name="Console" />

And restarted the Event Broker service.

In the FIM Sync Manager there are corresponding of FIM Operation log with status as success.

I still could not find any log entry in regarding to the Operation being performed in log file.

Did I missed something here or is this by design?

Logging Names More Descriptive.png
Operation Logging.png

You should not be modifying the LoggingEngine file under any circumstances.

I'll have someone determine why this is not being logged.

Updated fix version


Operations were not logging successful runs, only failures. This has been updated (see attached screenshot). Please confirm in the next release.

Thank you Matthew.

Once I confirmed this with the next release I will close this issue.

The operations are being, however, the GUID ID of the operation is being listed in the log rather than the name and the type of Run Profile being executed.

I got two Operations as part of the "OpList - chris21 IdB - Incoming" Operation List

  • Management Agent: FIM_chris21-pdt_MA-AH"G - Run Profile: Delta import and delta synchronization
  • Management Agent: FIM_chris21-pdt_MA-AHG - Run Profile: Delta synchronization

The following is the corresponding log entries.

5/16/2011 4:36:08 PM Information
 UNIFY Event Broker Operation List Executor Completed Run Profile operation with id 019455c9-1baa-4b00-8060-7c162fe50af6 in operation list OpList - chris21 IdB - Incoming 
5/16/2011 4:36:09 PM Information
 UNIFY Event Broker Operation List Executor Completed Run Profile operation with id 63b94c5f-ec91-45dd-a073-11ea5dfcc8d7 in operation list OpList - chris21 IdB - Incoming 
5/16/2011 4:36:09 PM Information
 UNIFY Event Broker Operation List Executor Operation list OpList - chris21 IdB - Incoming  

The GUID ID of an operation is not going to be useful for detailed analysis and debugging.

Thus requesting that text name is use instead of GUID ID.

Thank you.

Re-assign to Matthew for further request.

Made operation logging names consistent with display values. Attached screenshot

Operation names in the logs are now consistent with those used in the display names on the operations screen. Refer to attached screenshot. Please confirm if appropriate.