Confirm Deletes
Personal preference here, but I'd like to see deletes (of groups, operations etc) handled only after a confirmation of the action is given by the user. It might save tears if the user selects the wrong one first up (after that its fair game).
I wouldn't care if it was a popup on the same page or if you redirect to a confirmation page. Either would do the trick.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I agreed with the requirement for a "confirm deletion"
I would like to add that this is particularly so when the various buttons are so small and so close together. When I was working at ASC their mouse was so sensitive that I keep click the wrong thing almost every mouse click.
I would second this ... it is VITAL that we get delete confirmations happening everywhere ... this was a fairly recent fix to Event Broker 2.* and the value cannot be underestimated. Also - do I take it that a delete action does a "cascade delete" on all child objects ... e.g. deleting an operation list will delete all related user comments/schedules/check operations/operations?
That's correct Bob, deleting such an item will delete child objects as well.
Thank you for the request and additional comments on your experience with this. I'll ensure it's implemented everywhere as early as tomorrow.
Required on:
GroupFunctions.cshtml / Group
Index.cshtml / Agent
DisplaySchedules.cshtml / Operation
OperationListDetails.cshtml / Operation
OperationDetails.cshtml / Operation
GroupFunctions.cshtml / GroupIndex.cshtml / AgentDisplaySchedules.cshtml / OperationOperationListDetails.cshtml / OperationOperationDetails.cshtml / OperationResolved.
Assigned back to Patrick for confirmation.