About page has no link to EBSUB (Subscriber downloads)
The About page has a link to PUBEB, and is the most likely landing point on our site for a client (or PS staff!) looking for the latest downloads for EvB. A link on the About page to the SUBEB site and/or a link from PUBEB to SUBEB would be very helpful indeed. It all makes sense when explained to you or you work it out yourself, but navigation is still less than intuitive for the unfamilliar.
Customer support service by UserEcho
The problem is that the PUBEB documentation can be see by anyone and the SUBEB page can only be seen by people who have purchased Event Broker and been granted a JIRA account.
From a strictly "The downloads page is difficult to find" perspective I agree with you and will find a way to make it easier, but right now I'm very hesitant to add any protected links to public pages (not to say we may not end up doing it anyway, but it requires further discussion).
Hi Shane,
Thinking about this, the recent action you took for client portal headers (eg DEEWR:Home) might help solve this problem. Do you think it'll be enough or is it worth presenting everyone with a "pay wall" by giving anon users the SUBEB site as well?
I think recent versions of Confluence have improved, whereby you don't get given a link if you don't have permission. We can set this up with the test client accounts to look at what it looks like. I agree it's hard to find the right place to go to download.
Migrated to Visual Studio Online.