
Revisit installer package naming

Adam van Vliet 13 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 10

For the next minor version, the installer package names should be revisited to ensure that they are in line with the branding objectives of UNIFY and the trademarked names for the product.

This includes naming the services "UNIFY FIM Event Broker" in the Service Manager.

Can we go back to using x64 and x86 for this as well? Don't like using FIM\ILM as the differential.


  • FIM Event Broker x64
  • FIM Event Broker x86

Seems like the only option considering the requirement to be branded as "FIM Event Broker".

Would be silly having:

  • FIM Event Broker for FIM
  • FIM Event Broker for ILM

I have updated this, please confirm.

Web installer not yet done.

Please confirm web installer package naming following future build.

Confirmed with latest round of installers.

Reopened. Web installer was not done correctly.

Tony, I have updated the install directory. This time I was able to test locally and it looks good.

Please confirm in an upcoming build.


EB Web correctly installs to IIS subdirectory.