File Changes Plugin repeating irself in the endless loop once triggerd
The Incoming Event for the Event Broker for File Changes Plugin continuously repeating the Run Profile Operations in it eventhouh the file was only changed once.
Created CSV MA in FIM
Create CSV MA in Event Broker, see attached image for details.
Make change to the specified file only once (closing the file or not seems to have no effect). The whole operation is repeating itself continuously. This occurs whether I added the "Commit File Changes Plugin, On Failure=Fail" or not.
See the image of log details.
This also happen when I only have two Rule Profile operation entries for the CSV MA.
The configuration for the File Changes Plugin is
<FileChanges> <FileName><![CDATA[ C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Synchronization Service\MaData\FIM_CSV_pdt_AHG_MA-AHG\sample_data_csv_ahg.csv ]]></FileName> <GroupName> CVSFileGroup </GroupName> </FileChanges>
The configuration for the Commit Changes Plugin is (see attached image for details)
<FileChanges> <FileName><![CDATA[ C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Synchronization Service\MaData\FIM_CSV_pdt_AHG_MA-AHG\sample_data_csv_ahg.csv ]]></FileName> <GroupName> CSVFileGroup </GroupName> </FileChanges>
Although this does not seems to correspond to the documentation on Jira File Changes .
Could you advise me what I did wrong with this configuration?
Commit File Change Plugin configuration..jpg
EventBroker 20110202.log
Event Broker log for File Changes Plugin repeating.jpg
File Changes Plugin.jpg
FIM log for File Changes Plugin repeating.jpg
Customer support service by UserEcho
Shane, thank you very much for the extensive information on the issue. This is probably the issue - your group name is different between the File Changes and Commit File Changes - CVSFileGroup vs. CSVFileGroup. Unless they're the same, the Commit doesn't work, and hence it will constantly register as a change
Thanks Matthew for your quick response and pick up of my mistake.
Could you help me to clarify if the documentation in the Event Broker Administrator guide and online on Jira File Changes Plugin is also correct?
Thank you.
Assigned back to Shane to check
Yes Shane, the documentation is correct. Your configuration looks fine outside of the mismatch in group name
The issue is resolved.
However, testing of the instruction for the documentation for Commit File Changes Plugin configuration does not work and the OK button is not enabled.
Re-open and re-assign to Matthew for further commment or making appropriate correction to the documenation.
Sorry Shane, not entirely sure what the issue is with the configuration you just mentioned - what happens?
Hi Matthew,
Sorry I was not being was explaining in full.
The following configuration for the "Commit File Changes Plugin" works. The format/syntax is automatically generated by adding the Operation action.
However, the instruction on the following Jira File Changes and in pdf documentation said this format/syntax should be used.
This format/syntax does not work.
Thus either I misunderstood something or the documentation is incorrect or has changed.
Re-assign to Matthew with more details provided.
Shane, you're correct. The documentation on JIRA has been updated appropriately. Apologies for the confusion, this would have been incorrect in our documentation for quite some time.
Thank you Matthew for your help.
Confirmed online documentation in Jira is updated to the correct syntax.