Edit operation architecture for saving of arbitrary information
It will be useful to save information about operations that is not essential to their execution, but can be used for diagnostics and/or suggestions. The operation architecture should be extended to allow for the collection of information such as:
- Execution time of operations, for calculating averages or suggesting extensions
- Additional information required by/for plugin operations
- Operation list overlap for diagnostics
Estimate includes investigation of current setup, examining plugins where additional information may be required, further development, and testing.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Arbitrary information for health diagnostics is out of the scope of this release. Assigned to v3.X
Microsoft has just released a FIM monitoring tool - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a90c3145-19fe-46fb-baec-c333629f2630&displaylang=en
Matthew Clark,
UFCORE-73will attempt to capture some of these things. Later versions with then attempt to extend on this information.Can this issue be closed?
Closed or migrated to VSO.