
Resolve GUIDs to actual operation names and lists in Logging

Matthew Woolnough 12 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 3

The GUIDs in the logging cannot be resolved to an operation by the end user.
Example below.

Operation 30295b4a-61cc-41ef-a910-15a67fe4f7ab failed in operation list with id d780cfe0-10cd-423c-a667-38f747c80391 for the following reason. This is retry number 0: System.Runtime.Remoting.ServerException: Operation for management agent with id 6c3b4c9c-8410-40b1-8b7a-b84ec0105ab3 with name Export failed with result stopped-extension-dll-exception
 at Unify.Product.EventBroker.FIMAgent.ExecuteRunProfile(IStoredValueCollection storedValuesCollection, Guid agentId, Guid managementAgentId, Guid runProfileId)
 at Unify.Product.EventBroker.RunProfilePlugIn.Execute()
 at Unify.Product.EventBroker.OperationListExecutorBase.RunNextOperations(IEnumerator`1 operationEnumerator)

Migrated to Visual Studio Online.


I just tried to raise this exact same issue but the post timed out - so I thought I would search for something similar and found this.

Adding to the weight behind this as it's going to be an issue for QBE who are looking to use the email logger for errors such as the above:

The following is an example of a failed export run profile logged to an email logger:

Operation ea72ead5-8ebb-4e34-9691-6a1a15c670b2 failed in operation list with id 465eccfd-9cd9-405a-85b9-a1bc0387153a for the following reason. This is retry number 0: System.Runtime.Remoting.ServerException: Operation for management agent with id d6e091f0-1b25-4841-83d9-5c8d36f0f998 with name E failed with result stopped-entry-export-error at Unify.Product.EventBroker.FIMAgent.ExecuteRunProfile(IStoredValueCollection storedValuesCollection, Guid agentId, Guid managementAgentId, Guid runProfileId) at Unify.Product.EventBroker.RunProfilePlugIn.Execute() at Unify.Product.EventBroker.OperationListExecutorBase.RunNextOperations(IEnumerator`1 operationEnumerator)
The problem with the above is that each of the following appear as guids without names:
  • Operation ea72ead5-8ebb-4e34-9691-6a1a15c670b2
This is the operation itself within the operation list - you can only discover this via the web console by guessing which operation it was - i.e. by disabling the operation list, and clicking on the EDIT action for each operation until you find it;
  • Operation List 465eccfd-9cd9-405a-85b9-a1bc0387153a
This one is easier - you can find it out by browsing to http://localhost:8080/Operation/OperationList/465eccfd-9cd9-405a-85b9-a1bc0387153a
  1. Management Agent d6e091f0-1b25-4841-83d9-5c8d36f0f998
To find this out you really have to either call WMI or export the MA XML and get it from there.
To make things much easier for operators to troubleshoot the display names of the above components really need to be resolved. Until this is done, emails to the service desk with this as the contents will only lead to frustration and give Event Broker a bad rap.

Thanks, updated priority.