
Event Broker .url file icon missing

Matthew Clark 14 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

The icon for the UNIFY Event Broker Management Studio.url file appears correctly in the shortcut in the Start Menu, but not in the Event Broker directory itself.

Shortcut Icon Missing.png

Moved to v3.x. This cannot be achieved with the current incarnation of the installers.

I seem to recall that the FIM Event Broker link was just deployed as a file in the directory, whereas Identity Broker was a WiX link.

I need to confirm that Identity Broker works correctly, then change FIM Event Broker to use the same method.

I have made FIM Event Broker use the same method as Identity Broker (WiX internet shortcut).

It may or may not use an icon, I don't think it actually supports that yet. But, when WiX supports it I will update the WiX framework component to support it.

Icon is correct in latest installer.