Web Service Communicator Configuration


Web service communicators require the following configuration:

UriThe URI of the web service.
Handle Certificate ErrorsHow to treat certificate errors. Default: The default checking is performed. None: Certificate errors are ignored. Custom: Allows for additional validation to be performed.
Certificate NameEnforces that the certificate subject name matches the provided value. Leave blank to not validate the value. Only required if Handle Certificate Errors is Custom.
Ignore ErrorsSelect all certificate errors that should be ignored. ctrl+click to select many. Only required if Handle Certificate Errors is Custom.
PreauthenticateWhether to preauthenticate when connecting to the target system.
Use Default TimeoutWhether to use the default timeout for the connection type.
TimeoutThe custom timeout to use on connection. This defines the time upon which connections will be terminated. Only required if Use Default Timeout is NOT selected.
CredentialsThe type of credential used to connect to the target instance.
Account nameThe network account name used to connect to the target system. Only required if Credentials is Custom.
PasswordPassword corresponding to the provided network account name. Only required if Credentials is Custom.
ProxyA description of the proxy type to use if any. If a custom proxy is used some additional information will be required.
Proxy UriThe URI of the proxy used during communicator with the target system. Only required if Proxy is Custom.
CredentialsThe type of credentials to be supplied on connection with the proxy. Only required if Proxy is Custom.
UsernameThe username supplied when authenticating with the provided proxy. Only required when Proxy is Custom and Credentials is Custom.
PasswordThe corresponding password supplied when authenticating with the provided proxy. Only required when Proxy is Custom and Credentials is Custom.

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