UNIFYBroker Road Map

The following is the technology road map for UNIFYBroker. Release notes for previous versions are also available.

ALERT: This road map is subject to change. It is recommended to upgrade to newer version if there is a new feature required or if there is an opportunity to do so under a project. Individual connectors' or adapters' road maps are linked to this road map but may have additional feature road maps. Input to the road map is welcome, please raise a ticket here.

UNIFYBroker v5.4

  • Data modelling (UNIFYBroker adapter, data normalization and data modelling engine)
    • Expanding possible capabilities/functionality of transformations
    • Group-by functionality to allow for dynamic groups to be generated
  • Complex/open data type
    • Better support for nested objects and systems requiring support for non-primitive data types

UNIFYBroker v6.0

  • Updated user interface
    • Improved monitoring and statistics tools
  • Simplified connector development framework [User Interface]

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