
Chris21 connector not importing boolean attribute 'posorgassi'

Matthew Woolnough 11 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Frontier ichris/chris21 updated by anonymous 9 years ago 4

IdB 2.0 imports and some lines have a value in posorgassi.
IdB 4.0 imports and has 0 lines with a value in posorgassi.

All other fields look fine.

Have tried both String and boolean validators.


Did the schema provider find the name for that field? What were the settings for the found field? What data do you see in the GTR form? (an example for accessing the GTR form is IDBCHRS305:Uncertainty of form field names and content).

Using default schema, the attribute imports.
Value is 'Y' in 4.0 when importing String, but 'True' in 2.0 as a Boolean.

Does a string 'Y' not equate to a boolean 'True' when using a boolean validator in 4.0?

I have just checked Identity Broker for Frontier chris21 v2.3.1, and the code that converts from a string to a specific type is identical to v4.0.

It's not the boolean validator that equates the string "Y" to true, it's the connector. Both v2.3 and v4.0 equate merely the presence of a value to true, as long as you have configured the field as a boolean that isn't multi-valued.

Found that if Advanced settings box is ticked, List Request is set to Default rather than all. Created issue to resolve in Jira