
How do I identify the Chris21 endpoint URI?

Adrian Corston 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker/Frontier ichris/chris21 updated 2 years ago 2

I am trying to connect to a new customer's Chris21 instance (via PortBridge, just to make it more complicated) and they don't appear to have a "Scalable/c21connect.asp" endpoint in their Chris21 install. How do I work out what URI to use instead?



I was able to find the endpoint by going to the Chris21 web server's IIS, Exploring the web site and finding the path to the file called c21connect.asp.

Under review

Hi Adrian,

You'd have to check which web service version the customer is running on their Chris21 instance - the HTTP communication method or the Web Services method (see UNIFYBroker/Frontier chris21 Prerequisites / UNIFYBroker knowledge / UNIFY Solutions for more details). I believe the Web Services option is the preferred option for Frontier at the moment.

The HTTP Communication method is generally available at the Scalable/c21connect.asp endpoint, although the Scalable prefix can be configured differently based on the installation. 

The Web Services method is generally found at this endpoint: WebServices/service/FTRWebService.asmx 

The customer should generally know which method they have deployed based on the modules they're licenced for.


I was able to find the endpoint by going to the Chris21 web server's IIS, Exploring the web site and finding the path to the file called c21connect.asp.