Identity Broker Forum

Welcome to the community forum for Identity Broker.

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Individual Scheduler Pausing

Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Currently to pause a schedule for an connector you have to either disable the connector or delete the schedule for that connector.

Sometimes you want to stop the schedule for one specific connector, but still be able to run the connector. Would it be possible to add in a pause option for individual schedules per connector rather than the overall schedule?


Port UNIFYBroker Azure O/S Platform

Bob Bradley 4 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 4 years ago 4

It is becoming an impediment to future UNIFY* opportunities, particularly in the hosted solution space, that UNIFYBroker runs only on the Windows Server O/S.  If porting it to run natively on Azure would significantly reduce the current hosting impediments, while at the same time retain the natural partitioning between sites that comes from hosting the service within a VM, this would be of significant benefit to all parties from Sales to Implementation.  It would also make the idea of having Broker 3rd-party configurable more of a possibility.


Capability currently provided through the UNIFYConnect service offering. Can be provided for demos or poc's as necessary.

Further improvements will be provided in a future release of the product (version 6.0)


Identity Broker dashboard enhancements

Andrew Silcock 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

In doing development I found myself continually jumping between IDB Connector and Adapter pages to look at high level statistics such as polling object counts and pending changes on a few adapters - this can result in having half a dozen tabs open for this purpose.

As an enhancement it would be nice if the IDB Dashboard displayed some more high level statistics such as last run time/status, object counts and pending changes (for adapters) to get a more complete view of the system state.

anonymous 7 years ago

This is definitely something that will be considered if/when we do the UI rewrite.


Add support for integration external Workflow/Ticketing systems

Adam Bradley 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

Add support for integration external Workflow/Ticketing systems

Under review

Clarification of the Register-Contribution function

Liam Schulz 1 month ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 1 month ago 1


Just seeking some clarification about how the "Register-Contribution" functions on PowerShell Schema transformations and what scenarios this applies to.

For example, if I have 2 fields Field1 and Field2 and apply the function like: "Register-Contribution Field1 Field2". Does this mean that a change to Field1 will trigger reprocessing changes of any transformations for Field2?

Also, would I be correct in assuming that this can be used to help process Time Offset Flag transformations where there may not necessarily be a change to retrigger evaluation of the flag?



Error When Creating or Editing Multivalued Group Transformation on Adapter

Tom Parker 2 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

I get the following error either when creating a new multivalued group transform or when editing one that already exists. It occurs after you hit save on the Pick Connector screen.

Image 6372


Where does the HPRM connector source its schema from?

Hayden Gray 2 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

Hi Team,

We are currently experiencing an issue with a HPRM Associations Connector where by the schema has seemingly updated automatically and changed the Key attribute's (Uri) required value to 'false'. It also seems the field is locked (see in the below image) so it cannot be manually overridden to put the connector back in a working state.

Image 6317

This then, as a result, breaks the corresponding Adapter as the Uri field is used as a part of the DN. Broker provides the following error in the logs:


An error has occurred: Error in adapter HPRM Associations distinguished name configuration: The DN component part 'CN=[Uri]' could not be executed as the field Uri is not required. An empty field would result in a DN of 'CN='.

full error:
System.Exception: Swagger Exception could not be parsed. SE response code: 500; SE response text: {"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"Error in adapter HPRM Associations distinguished name configuration: The DN component part 'CN=[Uri]' could not be executed as the field Uri is not required. An empty field would result in a DN of 'CN='.","ExceptionType":"Unify.Framework.UnifyConfigurationException","StackTrace":" at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.AdapterEngine.ValidateAdapterForEnabling....


Checking the UAT environment, I can see that the HPRM Associations connector still has the Uri field's required value set to true.

I can see the fix for this particular issue would be fix the source for wherever the schema is being drawn from. So I'm looking to see if you could tell me where the Connector is getting the schema from. In addition as it seemly committed a modification to the schema from the source without a user committing it through the GUI, would you be able to elaborate on when the connector commits changes to the schema?

Thanks in advance

Under review

Support for multi-valued attribute in the SCIM gateway

Adrian Corston 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 4

I am looking into getting multi-role support for Azure App Provisioning with UNIFYBroker following the process described on this page:

Specifically, I’m using the ‘AppRoleAssignmentsComplex’ case, because some customers need the multi-role scenario (i.e. users can be assigned to multiple roles for the same app).

To make this work Azure needs to use a SCIM attribute that supports multi-values (see ‘Example output’ for a non-normative example).

Are there any multi-valued attributes in the current UNIFYBroker SCIM gateway implementation that I can use for this?

If not then is it possible to implement one using the current SCIM library, or will it only be possible once the SCIM gateway is ported across to a different DLL?


Controller Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.Chris21ConnectorController errored on action UpdateConnector with the following reason: Model state invalid for: connectorInformation.Extended.EaiFlagDeleteAttribute: The EaiFlagDeleteAttribute field is required.

Adrian Corston 2 years ago updated by Beau Harrison (Senior Product Software Engineer) 2 years ago 3

When updating the Name configuration of a Chris21 connector, the following error appears:

An error has occurred: Controller Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.Chris21ConnectorController errored on action UpdateConnector with the following reason: Model state invalid for: connectorInformation.Extended.EaiFlagDeleteAttribute: The EaiFlagDeleteAttribute field is required.

Image 6223

This is the latest version of everything (UNIFYConnect 'demo.local' environment).


Cannot compare dissimilar column types uuid and bigint at record column 1

Adrian Corston 3 years ago updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 3 years ago 4

All my UNIFYConnect adapters are showing the following error in the log, and all the Pending Changes are stuck in the adapter:

Image 5904

This is happening on the Netwealth UNIFYConnect instance.

Could you please investigate and fix or let me know what I've done wrong?


Patch attached for future reference, should go in the /Services/ directory.
