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Duplicate changes registered for the same entity in the adapter

Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated 2 years ago 2

Priority: Low/Medium
Impact: Higher than necessary UNIFYConnect resource consumption

With a connector and adapter configured in UNIFYBroker, and the adapter has multiple transformations registered (such as joins and future dated changes), a change appears to be registered in the change table for each combination of entity + transformation. 

This can result in 8-10 changes being registered for the same entity. While this isn't impactful from a change perspective (the latter computations of changes result in no actual changes being made to the adapter entity), a connector import of 7000 entities is resulting in upwards of 60,000 changes being registered which results in unnecessary delays of processing and computation on the database.


Patch released with broker

Not a bug

Sometimes Changes Sync doesn't run when there are pending changes

Adrian Corston 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 6

In UNIFYConnect very occasionally Change Sync won't run (either from a schedule or when invoked manually from the UI) when there are pending changes on the link.  Service restart doesn't help, but running a Baseline Sync does.  I have no idea what causes it to get into this state I'm afraid.


Changes register item processing on connector failed with reason Cannot process a DateTime of type 'Unspecified'

Adrian Corston 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated 2 years ago 7

The error Changes register item processing on connector TechOne Person failed with reason Cannot process a DateTime of type 'Unspecified' is logged for an adapter which has a join to another connector with a Timestamp field that was populated by PowerShell when that adapter's base connector imports a new or updated entity, even when that Timestamp field has DateTime kind 'Utc' or 'Local'.

My config has two PowerShell connectors, TechOne Person and TechOne Position.  The Position connector has two fields StartTimestampUTC and EndTimestampUTC which are set to valid DateTime values, of kind 'Utc'.  There is one adapter, TechOne Person, for which the Person connector is a base, and the Position connector is a Join transform with StartTimestampUTC and EndTimestampUTC fields both mapped into adapter fields.

When a new record is present in the Person connector import, reflection causes the above error message to be logged, but the adapter record is created correctly nevertheless.  When a subsequent Generate Changes is run on the adapter, the error is not logged.  If the record is reimported with updated values, the error is logged.

Under review

High CPU usage for UNIFYBroker service while nothing is running

Hayden Gray 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated 2 years ago 2

Hi Team,

A customer has reported high CPU usage for the UnifyBroker service coming to me initial with the following report:

"In the past month we have been getting High CPU (90%) usage of the UnfyBroker service. We are using version v5.3.3. There has been no change in the environment other than the normal Microsoft patches once a month. It is occurring on both our prod and uat environments."

Confirm some further details with the customer I got the following spec information on the hosts and details about the behaviour:

"Specs on the servers.

Name Memory vCPU OS

PRD 16Gb 4 2016

UAT          14Gb 4 2016

Processor type - Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @ 2.30GHz, 2295 Mhz, 1 Core(s), 1 Logical Processor(s)

The high cpu is more often on the uat server which processes the same data as prod for new accounts but the changes during the day are very minimal. The cpu usage does come down after

The utilization in some instances has cleared itself. Some have been by stopping the service. Timing is from 10 mins to an hour for uat. Interestingly on the prd server the time has been for several hours."

Some initial adjustments were made to the scheduler to ensure nothing is overlapping, though this wasn't really happening much anyway. These adjustments did not see any improvement to the situation.

Additionally the customer reported back the entity counts in the connectors to get a gauge for the size of the environment:

"Connector Prod Uat

Employee CSV 10792 10792

Position CSV 10792 10792

Teams 14805 1035

AD 45683 51356


Person 10792 10792

Position 10792 10792"

Looking at the extensibility for the setup there are a number of powershell transform in the environment, which may explain some high cpu usage while connectors or running, though doesn't seem to explain why the high cpu usage continues afterwards.  

Finally the following resource monitor screenshots were provided to see what is consuming the resources for the service while no connectors are running:

Image 6307

I have confirmed no out of bounds scripts are contacting the service. And that there aren't a large number of WebUI sessions open that could be causing issues. So I am looking for the next steps in troubleshooting this one. Are you able to provide any guidance in figuring out what could be consuming the resources like this?

Let me know if there is any further information I can provide you.

Thanks in advance

Not a bug

SCIM gateway attribute update comes through as XML document

An update from Azure via the SCIM gateway is being passed through to the adapter as a large XML document, as shown in this UNIFYBroker PowerShell log entry in a reverse adapter transform:

Image 6299

Before this SCIM update was received, the JobTitle field in the adapter for this user was NULL.  After the export update was received and processed the field in the adapter contained the XML document content.  Here is what the Azure POD showed:

Image 6296

Image 6297

According to Azure, it doesn't appear to be updating the title SCIM attribute (which ismapped to the JobTitle adapter field) at all, but nevertheless UNIFYBroker is populating it with XML document content by the time it gets to the adapter reverse transform.

Here's the adapter reverse transform (which doesn't do anything with JobTitle) showing the logging code:

Image 6300

Under review

Duplicate Adapter IDs in extensibility clear the extensibility file on failed service start

Hayden Gray 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Hello Team,

I understand editing the service extensibility config directly is not supported/recommend, and therefor this issue shouldn't be expected to impact any environments under normal circumstances. However I found some interesting behaviour that occurs when an AdapterConfiguration object in the Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.AdapterEnginePlugInKey.extensibility.config.xml file is given a duplicate "AdapterId".

When attempting to start the service with an incorrect configuration like this, the service fails to start which is expected, however the entire Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.AdapterEnginePlugInKey.extensibility.config.xml file is also cleared and saved in the process. Clearing any other configuration that may be there. I'm unsure if this is intended behaviour, but figured I would log this here anyway for your consideration so the service would simply fail and not save over the configuration.

UNIFYBroker version 5.3.1



Latest patches for UNIFYBroker/Plus

Hi Matt/Beau,

I am currently installing UNIFYBroker/Plus with a UNIFYConnect-style configuration for a customer. The OOTB connectors are Chris21 and AD, and there is also an existing PowerShell connector for “PeopleStreme” (a REST API-based recruitment system) that is being extended and a new “Mercury HR” CSV file import being added.

Could you please send me all the UNIFYBroker/Plus patches and files (both service and web) that I will need to run the latest version of UNIFYBroker/Plus successfully in this environment? There has been a lot of work done since the last official release on Voice. It would be great if I could patch this environment up to the same base level as the UNIFYConnect environments.



SCIM gateway reports 'No mapping for field 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:employeeNumber'

I have a SCIM gateway configured in UNIFYConnect and the following error appears every time a SCIM request is received:

Image 6286

There is a mapping for the employeeNumber field, as evidenced here:

Image 6287

I tried recycling, and then deleting and recreating the gateway from scratch but it continues to give me the same outcome.

The UNIFYConnect external address for the gateway is ""

How can I stop this error from appearing and get my config to work correctly?


Disable (delete) SCIM operation errors in UNIFYBroker SCIM gateway

Adrian Corston 2 years ago in UNIFYBroker Service updated by Matthew Davis (Technical Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

I removed a user's application assignment in Azure and it initated a disable (i.e. delete user profile) SCIM operation and reported a successful outcome:

Image 6285

However, the user profile object remained present in UNIFYBroker:

Image 6284

According to the UNIFYBroker logs the request came through as an entity update (I know this from the PowerShell debugging tracewrites shown):

20220428,13:07:42,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,Reverse Transform extracted ROLE=[NONE],Normal
20220428,13:07:42,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,"[EmployeeGuid, 14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Application, XXXXXXXXX] [Active, False] [UserPrincipalName,] [TicketingID, XXXXXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Role, NONE] [EmployeeName, David Parsonson] [0799C19A00044B368A7D06D9AE23CC07, c36f2c4a-4eb6-46ac-a69c-9565ec327e9e]",Normal
20220428,13:07:42,UNIFYBroker,Connector,Information,"Request to update entity to connector.
Request to update entities [Count:1] to connector Ticketed Application Provisioning.",Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,"PV=(XXXXXXXX) for [EmployeeGuid, 14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Application, XXXXXXX] [Active, False] [UserPrincipalName,] [TicketingID, Marketo.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Role, NONE] [EmployeeName, David Parsonson] [0799C19A00044B368A7D06D9AE23CC07, c36f2c4a-4eb6-46ac-a69c-9565ec327e9e]",Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,"Saving [XXXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [EmployeeGuid, 14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Application, XXXXXXX] [Active, False] [UserPrincipalName,] [TicketingID, XXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4] [Role, NONE] [EmployeeName, David Parsonson] [0799C19A00044B368A7D06D9AE23CC07, c36f2c4a-4eb6-46ac-a69c-9565ec327e9e]",Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,update: init Lines=@{Application=XXXXXXX; Active=True; EmployeeId=; EmployeeName=David Parsonson; Role=Admin;; TicketingID=XXXXXXX.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4; EmployeeGuid=14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4} @ 1,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,update: after Lines=@{Application=XXXXXXXX; Active=False; EmployeeId=; EmployeeName=David Parsonson; Role=NONE;; TicketingID=Marketo.14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4; EmployeeGuid=14de44ec-2322-4c75-b745-cb873341f8e4} @ 1,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,update done,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Logging,Information,Updated 1 entities in C:\CSV\XXXXXXXX-Users.csv,Normal
20220428,13:07:45,UNIFYBroker,Connector,Information,"Update entities to connector completed.
Update entities 1 to connector Ticketed Application Provisioning reported 1 entities saved, 0 failed. Duration: 00:00:02.9484342",Normal

The UNIFYBroker entity for the user should have been deleted rather than updated.  It looks like UNIFYBroker has missed the "Action: disable" part of the SCIM request from Azure, which is the only indication I can see that the request was to disable/delete the user, rather than update it.

Can you please check that UNIFYBroker work with SCIM disable requests from Azure correctly?

This is high priority for me as I have been asked to deliver SCIM app provisioning functionality (including disable) for the customer to UAT by early next week.



Hi Adrian,

According to the Microsoft documentation, the "Disable" operation is a patch (update) operation on the 'active' schema field:

Based on this, triggering an update on the user is the correct behaviour in this scenario. The delete operation is a separate SCIM action (HTTP DELETE) so to delete the entity record,, that operation would need to be triggered.

Is there some documentation or design pattern you can share, where you're seeing that removing a users application assignment should remove the entity in the consuming SCIM application?


Error during SCIM operation: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element

I am seeing the above error *sometimes* when attempting to update a user via SCIM.

In every case of the error that I've seen SCIM has been trying to update a single field (Role) which is mapped from Azure's large "appRoleAssignments" XML field value, but I don't actually know if that's relevant or coincidental.

The full stack trace is:

20220428,11:54:05,UNIFYBroker,SCIMGateway,Error,"Error during SCIM operation: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.SCIMProvider.Patch(IAdapterEntity adapterEntity, PatchRequest2 patch, ISCIMGatewayMapping mappings, IValueAdapter`2 valueAdapter, IEntitySchema schema)
at Unify.Product.IdentityBroker.SCIMProvider.d__20.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ProviderBase.d__45.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ProviderAdapterTemplate`1.d__15.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement.ControllerTemplate`1.d__5.MoveNext()",Normal

Here's the Azure provision on demand output that corresponds to the error:

Image 6281

I can't work out why this happens for some user updates, but others go through just fine.  Since I can't packet trace the SCIM protocol in UNIFYConnect environment my ability to debug this is limited, and unfortunately right now I don't really have time to set up a non-UNIFYConnect test environment to debug what's going on.

The backing connector for the SCIM gateway is a PowerShell one, but the error appears to be occurring before it's even called.

I saw for the same error, but I am running the latest of everything so the advice on that ticket (upgrade) didn't help.

Do you have any hints what might be going on to result in that error message?