Param([string]$pdb = "EDMGT053", [string]$pdbinstance = "FIMSQL") #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function ExecuteArchiveSP { Param($svr,$db,$xmlFile,$debug) End { $sql = "exec dbo.ArchiveRequestFile '$xmlFile'" $conn = "server=$svr;database=$db;Integrated Security=SSPI" $sqlConnection = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $sqlConnection.ConnectionString = $conn $sqlConnection.Open() $sqlCommand = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $sqlCommand.CommandTimeout = 120 $sqlCommand.Connection = $sqlConnection $sqlCommand.CommandText= $sql $text = $sqlCommand.CommandText if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Progress -Activity "Executing SQL" -Status "Ejecuting SQL => $text..."} if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "Executing SQL => "$text"..."} $result = $sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() $sqlConnection.Close() if($Err){throw $Err} } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # When exporting request objects we wish to observe the following: # 1. exclude FIM system object requests (ma-data, etc.) # 2. exclude set-transition generated events (SystemEvent) # 3. exclude children of set-transition generated events Function GetRequestsForArchive { Param($from,$to,$debug) End { [String]$customConfig = "/Request[not(Target=/ma-data) ` and not(Target=/mv-data) ` and not(Target=/ExpectedRuleEntry) ` and not(Target=/DetectedRuleEntry) ` and not(Target=/ActivityInformationConfiguration) ` and not(Operation = 'SystemEvent') ` and not(ParentRequest = /Request[Operation = 'SystemEvent']) ` and (CreatedTime > op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime(fn:current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('$from'))) ` and (CreatedTime < op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime(fn:current-dateTime(), xs:dayTimeDuration('$to')))]" if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** Executing FIM query: " $customConfig " - " $now " ***"} $exportObjects = export-fimconfig -uri "http://localhost:5725/resourcemanagementservice" ` -messagesize 300000 ` –AllLocales ` -customconfig ($customConfig,"/Person[DisplayName='Built-in Synchronization Account']","/Resource[DisplayName='Forefront Identity Manager Service Account']") ` -ErrorVariable Err ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # –onlyBaseResources ` if($Err){throw $Err} return $exportObjects } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "" | clip $FIMDbServer = "EDMGT053" $FIMDbServerInstance = "EDMGT053" # NOTE: database server and instance parameters are optional ... but if supplied, FIMDbServer must be the server name, and FIMDbServerInstance must be either # the name of a valid SQL alias, or in the server\instancename format # if (!$args.length -eq 0) { # if ($args.length -eq 1) { # $FIMDbServer = $args[0] # $FIMDbServerInstance = $args[0] # } # if ($args.length -eq 2) { # $FIMDbServer = $args[0] # $FIMDbServerInstance = $args[1] # } # } # Set Parameters HERE:>> $debug = $false # NOTE: $debug must be $false in order to run this from Event Broker!!! $fromPeriod = "PT03H" $toPeriod = "PT01H" $exportBackdated = $true $fromPeriodBackdated = "PT99H" $toPeriodBackdated = "PT97H" $writeToArchiveFolder = $true $archiveFolder = "D:\Logs\FIMService\archive" $FIMDbServerLocalFolder = "D:\SQL" # End Parameters HERE:<< $curFolder = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $dataFolder = "$curFolder\Data" $fileNameNoPath = $myInvocation.mycommand.Name -replace ".ps1",".xml" $fileName = "$dataFolder\$fileNameNoPath" if(@(get-pssnapin | where-object {$_.Name -eq "FIMAutomation"} ).count -eq 0) {add-pssnapin FIMAutomation} $now = Get-Date if($exportBackdated) { # Query FIM for requests created in the hour leading up to the last hour FOUR DAYS AGO (this allows for request updates which occurred since orinally archived) if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** export-fimconfig (backdated) starting: " $now " ***"} $data = GetRequestsForArchive -from $fromPeriodBackdated -to $toPeriodBackdated -debug $debug if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** export-fimconfig (backdated) completed: " $now " ***"} if($data -eq $null) { if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "The are no objects with this object type configured on your FIM server" $FIMDbServer} } else { $data | convertfrom-fimresource -file $fileName if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** exported to (backdated) xml file: " $fileName " - " $now " ***"} # Import XML file to archive database copy-item $fileName -destination "\\$FIMDbServer\SQL" $archive = ExecuteArchiveSP -svr $FIMDbServerInstance -db "FIMDEEWRArchive" -xmlFile "$FIMDbServerLocalFolder\$fileNameNoPath" -debug $debug $data = $null } } # Query FIM for requests created in the hour leading up to the last hour (this mitigates against the potential loss of requests being created at the time of the report) if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** export-fimconfig starting: " $now " ***"} $data = GetRequestsForArchive -from $fromPeriod -to $toPeriod -debug $debug if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** export-fimconfig completed: " $now " ***"} if($data -eq $null) { if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "The are no objects with this object type configured on your FIM server " $FIMDbServer} } else { $now = Get-Date if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** export-fimconfig complete: " $data.count.ToString() " objects from FIM. Time: " $now " ***"} $now = Get-Date # Save XML to file $data | convertfrom-fimresource -file $fileName if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** exported to xml file: " $fileName " - " $now " ***"} # Import XML file to archive database copy-item $fileName -destination "\\$FIMDbServer\SQL" if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** xml file colied to \\$FIMDbServer\SQL"} $archive = ExecuteArchiveSP -svr $FIMDbServerInstance -db "FIMDEEWRArchive" -xmlFile "$FIMDbServerLocalFolder\$fileNameNoPath" -debug $debug if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** xml archived"} $now = Get-Date if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** convertfrom-fimresource complete. Time: "$now " ***"} if($writeToArchiveFolder) { # Re-load XML from file (only do this for the current data) [xml]$xmlDoc = get-content $fileName if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** xml reloaded"} $now = Get-Date if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** get-content complete. Time: " $now " ***"} #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Affix XML data: #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach($curNode In $xmlDoc.selectNodes("//ResourceManagementAttribute[AttributeName='RequestParameter']")) { foreach($stringNode In $curNode.Values.ChildNodes) { [xml]$xmlxoml = [string]$stringNode.InnerText $xmlXoml.RequestParameter | foreach{ [xml.xmlElement]$requestNode = $_ $root = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("RequestParameter") $newElem = $xmlDoc.CreateElement("type") $newElem.set_InnerText($_.type) | out-null $root.AppendChild($newElem) | out-null switch($_.type) { "SystemEventRequestParameter" { $szlist = "Target|Calculated|WorkflowDefinition.Value" } "DeleteRequestParameter" { $szlist = "Target|Calculated|Operation" } "CreateRequestParameter" { $szlist = "Target|Calculated|PropertyName|Value|Operation" } "UpdateRequestParameter" { $szlist = "Target|Calculated|PropertyName|Value|Operation" } default { $szlist = "TODO" } } foreach($item In $szlist.Split("|")) { $newElem = $xmlDoc.CreateElement($item) $newElem.set_InnerText($requestNode.SelectSingleNode($item).InnerText) | out-null $root.AppendChild($newElem) | out-null } $curNode.AppendChild($root) | out-null } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** XML appended: " $now " ***"} $xmlDoc.Results.SetAttribute("Filter", "WorkflowDefinition") $xmlDoc.Results.SetAttribute("Objects", "Workflows") $$fileName) if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** XML saved: " $now " ***"} # Append stylesheet reference and save archive xml [string]$datePart = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMddTHHmmss" $archiveFileName = "$archiveFolder\RequestHistory.$datePart.xml" [xml]$xmlArchive = new-object Xml $xmlArchive.LoadXml($xmlDoc.OuterXml) if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** XML history $archiveFileName reloaded: " $now " ***"} $xmlpi = $xmlArchive.CreateProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type=""text/xsl"" href=""./DEEWR.Requests.Today.xslt""") $newNode = $xmlArchive.AppendChild($xmlpi) # move the PI node to the top $docRoot = $xmlArchive.RemoveChild($xmlArchive.documentElement) $newerNode = $xmlArchive.AppendChild($docRoot) $$archiveFileName) if($debug -eq $true) {Write-Host "*** XML history $archiveFileName saved with PI: " $now " ***"} } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- trap { $_.Exception.Message | clip Exit 1 } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------